McNeese Burton College of Education Hosts MPact on Education Conference

McNeese State University’s Burton College of Education and Center for Advancement of Quality Education are hosting MPact on Education Conference on Saturday, Sept. 21, at McNeese. 

During the conference educators can connect and collaborate to discover trends in education, learn new technology, participate in leadership discussions and identify opportunities for personal growth. Sessions are designed for educators, para-professionals, counselors, as well as school and district leaders. 

The conference is free of charge and provides an affordable professional development opportunity for the region. Lunch will be provided to participants who register before Sept. 16, and first 100 will receive free tickets to the McNeese vs. Alcorn State Football game that evening. 

“The MPACT on Education Conference is designed to ignite a spark of shared learning, blending cutting-edge innovations with best practices to forge a brighter, more informed future in education in a relaxed and fun atmosphere,” explained Dr. Terri L. Simpson, Director of the Center for the Advancement of Quality Education. 

Register today by going to and click on MPACT conference registration. For more information or if you have questions, email 

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