The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has awarded the McNeese State University SHRM student chapter a 2021-2022 Superior Chapter Merit Award designation for providing superior growth and development opportunities to its student members. This is the third year in a row that the SHRM chapter has received an award.
The SHRM Student Chapter Merit Award program encourages the development of more effective student chapters and distinguishes outstanding activities and projects. Chapters are recognized based on operations, chapter programming and professional development of members, support of the human resource profession and SHRM engagement.
“The McNeese SHRM officer team works hard each year to plan a schedule of professional development meetings geared towards helping our students extend their learning beyond the textbook and classroom,” according to Dr. Kristin Scott, assistant professor of management and McNeese SHRM adviser.
“McNeese SHRM uses the Chapter Merit Award guidebook as its foundational document in its strategic planning process. In addition, the chapter works with the local professional SHRM chapter, Imperial Calcasieu SHRM (ICSHRM). Our close association with ICSHRM helps ensure we are teaching what the local HR community believes students need to know, as well as providing our students the opportunity to grow their network,” said Scott.
“The members of our SHRM student chapters represent the next generation of HR leaders and it’s critical to highlight the instrumental role they play in SHRM’s success,” said Johnny C. Taylor Jr., SHRM president and CEO. “The hard work of the McNeese student chapter shows the future of the profession is, indeed, in good hands. I applaud their accomplishments and ability to foster innovative programming, development and interest in HR as we navigate changing workplaces.”
The McNeese SHRM chapter has a full year planned for 2022-2023. Among the activities are professional programming, including sessions on local internships and getting that first job in human resources, and collecting toys for Toys for Tots in November.
McNeese SHRM officers for 2022-2023 are: Emilee Whitaker, president, Lake Charles, MBA graduate student; Serena Greenlee, vice president, Lake Charles, MBA graduate student; Malachi Carrol, co-treasurer, Lake Charles, senior; Karin Shinn, co-treasurer, Sulphur, senior; and Karisma Vidal, secretary, Lake Charles, senior.
For more information about McNeese SHRM, contact Scott at kscott@mcneese.edu.