Sasol recently donated $50,000 through the McNeese State University Foundation for the Sasol Imperial Calcasieu Engineering Scholarship ($10,000) and the Sasol College of Engineering and Computer Science Scholarship ($10,000), Banners at McNeese ($5,000) sponsorship and the Louisiana Small Business Development Center at McNeese ($25,000) to assist with the Small Business Resource Guide Workshop.
On hand for the presentation are, from left, Dr. Nikos Kiritsis, dean of the college, Paul Hippman, Sasol vice president of operations, East Plant, McNeese President Dr. Daryl Burckel, Brook Hanemann, Banners director, Tom Tyree,Sasol senior manager of engineering and controls, Donna Little, director of the LSBDC, and Marcus Boutte, Sasolsenior manager of supply chain.